National Engineering Month is almost here!

Learn. Grow. Thrive. Together. March 1 – 31.


The world of engineering is changing – you can change with it. With bold topics, industry expertise, and diverse perspectives, you won’t want to miss out on this year’s National Engineering Month Ontario events.

Learn about NEM 2022 Ontario Events

Lifelong learning is essential for engineers. The overall theme for #NEM2022 Ontario events is lifelong learning and we’ve curated each week’s events as follows:

  • Week 1: The P.Eng. Designation 
  • Week 2: Lifelong Learning 
  • Week 3: Spotlight on the Engineering Student Challenge 
  • Week 4: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 
  • Week 5: Engineers & Politics

With over 40 free events developed specifically for Ontario’s engineering & technology community, you won’t want to miss out on the amazing events our volunteers have organized. View the event calendar and sign up for an upcoming event today!


Highlighted Events:


NEM Ontario Kick-Off Event

March 1: 6:00 PM ET

Hosted by: Ontario Society of Professional Engineers & Engineers Canada

March 1 is officially P.Eng. Day in Ontario. We invite you to celebrate P. Eng. Day with us by attending the NEM Ontario Kick-Off event. Steve Paikin from TVO’s The Agenda will be moderating a panel discussion on the Future of the P.Eng. License featuring executive leaders from the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, Engineers Canada, Professional Engineers Ontario, Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, and the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta. 

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Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate: Sheridan delivers experiential learning that prepares degree graduates to excel in engineering technology fields.

March 4: 10:00 AM ET

Hosted by: Sheridan College – Faculty of Applied Science & Technology

In this 1 ½ hour session, engineering curriculum, with a focus on hands-on, project-based learning, will be explored in relation to graduate skills and attributes assigned by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), including technical communications, teamwork and leadership, engineering tools, and lifelong learning. And through a panel discussion on ‘Preparing Bachelor of Engineering Graduates to be Career and Licensure Ready’ we will explore a variety of aspects of our programs such as bus projects, pathways, and the use of technology for hands-on learning.

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Humber College Champions Women in STEM

March 8: 6:00 PM ET

Hosted by: Humber College – Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology

A panel of fearless women and supportive men will share their authentic stories and how there is strength in our differences to bring innovation, productivity, and pride to a more elastic workforce. Join us as we inspire, connect and empower participants to recognize and celebrate International Women’s Day.

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Upskilling to Address Grand Challenges

March 9: 1:00 PM ET

Hosted by: McMaster University – Faculty of Engineering

Organizations are directly affected by societal challenges, such as climate change and its impact on financial systems, supply chain, operations, or the adoption and seamless integration of technology in the workplace. This panel will review the current best practices in professional upskilling, and the need to grasp and focus on the overlap between three challenges:

  1. Sustainability 
  2. Integration of technology
  3. Professional workforce development & collaboration

The panel will discuss and identify the primary threats, mitigation strategies, and opportunities that businesses and professionals can focus on to address immediate competitiveness, resiliency, and growth.

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Project-Based Learning – Putting Theory to Practice

March 15: 12:00 PM ET

Hosted by: Conestoga College

During this session, students and faculty will be highlighting the different ways that Conestoga College promotes project-based learning. This includes:

  • Yearly projects students must complete, which allows students to apply the theory they have been taught.
  • Allowing students to compete in events such as CES (Conestoga Engineering Society) hosted engineering competitions, OEC (Ontario Engineering Competition), and CEC (Canadian Engineering Competition)
  • Design teams (Baja SAE, Formula SAE, and Concrete Taboggan)

Finally, students will talk about co-op placements they have had with local companies, where they’re able to apply the skills and knowledge acquired from the project-based learning and put them to practice in industry.

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The Indigenous & Black Engineering and Technology PhD Project: Supporting the Next Generation of STEM Leaders

March 21: 12:00 PM ET

Hosted by: University of Waterloo – Faculty of Engineering

The Indigenous & Black Engineering and Technology (IBET) PhD Project is a partnership of almost 15 Canadian universities committed to reducing the systemic barriers that exist for Indigenous and Black scholars pursuing doctoral degrees in STEM programs. Join us to learn how the IBET PhD Project provides financial support and fosters a supportive and respectful academic community. Hear from the Director of IBET, current fellows, and a mentor, and have your questions answered during a live virtual Q&A.

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There is a Place for You in Engineering at Canada Post 

Hosted by: Canada Post/Postes Canada

Come join us for a panel discussion highlighting Canada Post’s commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. The panelists will share their experiences in mentorship, leadership, and 30 by 30 and will also showcase some of the exciting engineering projects underway at Canada Post. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the presenters at the end of our presentation during the Q&A session by sending questions in and asking questions over video call or live chat.

uOInnovates: Addressing Indigenous infrastructure challenges as engineers

March 25: 12:00 PM ET

Hosted by: University of Ottawa – Faculty of Engineering

Join a panel of experts for a discussion on the infrastructure challenges faced by Indigenous communities and on the engineer’s role and responsibility in addressing these issues with sustainable solutions. Hosted by the uOttawa Faculty of Engineering.

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WISTEM 5MT (5 Minute Thesis) – What inspired you?

March 25: 1:30 PM ET

Hosted by: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission / Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire

In partnership with National Engineering Month, the CNSC WISTEM Initiative presents the speed networking event: “WISTEM 5MT (5 Minute Thesis) – What inspired you?

Five incredible women in science and engineering offer a glimpse into the rewarding, challenging, and oftentimes unconventional career paths that brought them to where they are today.

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Proactive Advocacy: How Consulting engineers influence positive change

March 29: 10:00 AM ET

Hosted by: ACEC-Ontario

This fireside chat will explore how consulting engineers approach creating mutually beneficial solutions for their industry advocacy challenges. We will cover what steps ACEC-Ontario, as an industry organization, promotes to achieve evidence-based solutions that are relevant to realizing desired outcomes for both parties. The discussion will review relevant challenges that are overcome with efforts of consulting engineers and how to work with different elements of government and other stakeholders. Examples of real-life instances will be covered, both wins and losses, from advocacy efforts and what was learned from these occurrences.

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To view the full NEM 2022 Ontario event calendar and sign up for an upcoming event please visit our website. On behalf of the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, NEM Ontario’s Official Founder, we’d like to thank you for supporting the engineering community in Ontario.


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