NEM Kick Off: Understanding the True Value of Engineering Services and How to Boost Them

Being an engineer is a profession and a calling, and as such engineers have become highly sought after across all industries, including finance, tech, transportation, and more. However, while their skills have never been in higher demand, their contributions within traditional engineering domains continue to be undervalued.

This is concerning because of the pivotal role of engineers in “powering” Ontario and what a lack of investment in “engineering” means to the future of our economy and community. If the top engineers are seeking other professional pursuits, who will be left to attack the greatest challenges of our time like climate change, sustainable urban development, food scarcity, etc.?

The critical questions for the future of the profession are why this undervaluation exists, and what can be done to improve the careers that can be had in traditional engineering, so we do not lose our best to more lucrative opportunities.

Also, why does engineering in Canada seem to have a lower perception of value than in other jurisdictions, making it so our brightest are drawn elsewhere?

If the answers to these questions are important to you and the success of your business, then please join us for a discussion about the changes we need to make to future-proof the engineering profession. We are looking to have an honest look at the factors influencing our industry and its desirability in the future, and we welcome your participation.


Confirmed Speakers:

Nick Mocan, M.Sc., P.Eng.,
President – Crozier Consulting Engineers
David Carnegie, P.Eng.,
OSPE Vice-Chair, Partner- Malroz Engineering Inc.
Stephanie Smith P.Eng.,
Senior VP Engineering, Chief Nuclear Engineer, Candu Energy Inc., – AtkinsRéalis
Jim Sarvinis, P. Eng.,
Global Managing Director, Energy – Hatch



Location: Maple Leaf Cinema

5:30pm – 6:30pm –  Pre-Event Networking

6:30pm – 6:45pm –  NEM 2024 Kick Off and Introduction

6:45pm – 8:00pm –  Panel Session on “Future Proofing the Value In Engineering”

Location: CN Tower Observation Level

8:00pm – 9:30pm –  Post-Event Networking

In Person
Time 5:30 pm ET
Duration 60 Mins minutes
Event Leader Ontario Society Of Professional Engineers
Theme The P.Eng. Designation